Tuesday, July 26, 2011
one decision at a time...and other important matters
My sister-in-law is starting to call me a granola, but guys, I HAVE TWO MINS & 30 SECONDS OF HOT WATER (ah, that took a long time to type all caps on the iPhone). So buy me a new water heater/ take it up with Doris (landlord: 75 yrs old, gorgeous white hair and in love with my husband- im serious, he has a way with the elderly) and I'll have smooth, shiny legs for you (unfortunately just not wearing shorts/skirts is off the table- hey I only have like 3 months of summertime!!!).
Happy pioneer day/weekend!! And p.s. Both Z and I are Fbook friends with Gordon Hayward. holla.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
.days like today
I told Zach that today was stupid.
And that I just want to eat this "Late Night Snack."
Ive never tried it, but I really want to.
Because the ingredients consist of vanilla bean ice cream, salty caramel swirls and fudge covered potato chip clusters.
That ice cream was made for me.
I think.
I haven't actually tried it.
Unfortunately they only sell it in secret places. I tried 3 stores...
Could you find it for me??
I need it, like, yesterday.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Stadium of fire
and it was SO GOOD.
maybe it's because for some reason i didn't have high expectations, but i enjoyed it thoroughly.
david archuletta opened, darling as usual.
then brad paisley sang.
And I'll just go ahead and admit that I knew the words to almost every one of his songs. I've always been a country music kinda girl, but sometimes a closet one. So there's that.
He was a great performer.
then, the fireworks. and they were SO GOOD!
I'm telling you guys, if you get the chance next year... You should go.
Afterwards there was a dance party outside the stadium, which just looked a lot more awesome than waiting in traffic.
And luckily my mama has been a mom for a long time and packed cookies, rice crispy treats and a cooler full of drinks to make the time spent in traffic more enjoyable.
And it was.
And since me and Zach and my mom have all lived in provo at one point or another, we found a super fast way out of there and traffic really didn't get to us.
Oh and before the show we stopped at a provo Fav. Diegos for din. And it didn't disappoint. My little brother told me the other night he had a dream about the burrito he ate, "it was the best burrito ive ever had."
It's worth trying if you're in the happy valley.
At least we think it is:)
yay for summertime!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
.i had a birthday
Over a month ago.
and that's a blurry picture of me on a cow.
it doesn't make sense to me either guys.
and it had it's own water park.
with round 4 of the finals and all.
and i got lucky enough to go.
and it was AAA-MA-ZING
i called almost everyone i knew afterwards to tel them.
sorry if you were one of those people, it's just, i've never been to a finals game before.
such a rush (even if mr. dirk did have the flu).
even moreso when the mavs beat the heat!
(and yes, this means i have 3 teams now- turns out i'm a bball fan).
or maybe because it was a pleasant surprise to come back to after the game,
but i think this was one of the best cakes i've ever eaten.
oh, and i guess i was there for work...
and i have to say, our booth was pretty awesome.
i have all winter to blog, right?!