Thursday, April 19, 2012

voicemails from van and ash

my mom was hanging out with my little cousins a few weeks back and, let me tell you, voicemails from those babies reciting scriptures from memory is one of the best ways to start out my day.
I wish I could share the recordings with you, "Hi Liz, Hiiiiiii, um, Aunt Leslie is here. (insert pause) James chapter 1 verse 5 If any of lack wisdom........" You get the picture. They are so cute. I love those boys, they have so much personality and say the funniest things. They had a sleepover at my house awhile ago, and we had lots of fun watching toy story and making sugar cookies. which mainly consisted of squishing dough through our fingers and eating it.

i was talking to my mom when she was watching them and she said, "I think Ann Dee gets back on saturday, Van, does your mom get back on Saturday?" To which he responded, "No, she gets back the day after tomorrow. When is Saturday?" the day after tomorrow would be saturday. hahaha. love them. 

and here are some vids my aunt katy took of them reciting scriptures. they memorize scriptures to get stickers. genius.
and i'm pretty sure they know more than me at this point.


  1. They are so cute! Ann Dee is an outstanding mother.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Van and Asher told me this morning that they want to sleep at your house next time so that it will be a pattern - your house and then our house. They are such interesting little boys
