Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Drew's Reel Hooker Saloon

words cannot describe.
weeks of effort were put into this saloon.

OF COURSE the guest of honor was there.

i don't know this person. but i quite like this pic. also, i stole all of these pics from drew. thanks drew!

ben and his girlfriend, rachel. she's a doll.
and this was after they performed the annual puppet show. yes, every minute is scheduled at the saloon. wouldn't expect anything less.

the man of the hour.

i could squeeze him all day long. and so could every one who came in contact with him in his bandana. zach had to work, so frank and lauren were my dates. always a night to remember drew. i really truly hope we are attending the reel hooker saloon when we are 60.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Frank is so cute! Bet he loved all the attention! Miss him
