Sunday, May 8, 2011

.my mama

This is my mom (and Jer bear). She taught me how to be confident, loyal and tough.

Like a few days before I left for college, when I broke down because I hadn't bought Tide yet and then got completely overwhelmed with having to take care of myself and buy things like Tide and 409. She let me cry over nothing, then told me I'd be ok. And that college is fun. And that I'd meet new friends and stay up late and sluff class to do something great like take off to go skiing after doing awesome on a midterm, like she did.

She was right, college was fun (the life part, not so much the schoooool part).

She's the type of mom that will drop everything for her kids if they need her.
I hope one day my kids can say that about me.
She's pretty awesome.
And smart and crazy and fun and beautiful.
Love you, mom.
Happy mothers day.

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