Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thank you Sony, for making my day (maybe week) better

Guys, I learned (zach showed me, handy to have a video editor in the home) how to put vids on the blog.
I hope your excited.
Cuz I am.

This is the best commercial ever.
I'm serious.
I seriously have watched it over and over this past week.

I feel like its inspiring. I dont know whether its the bouncy balls, San Francisco, the music, the color or what... but i love. i love it all.

Lately, when I feel stressed or annoyed or frustrated (which has been a lot), I watch this and feel better.
And so, in honor of another semester down...
watch this and feel free.
and happy.
and giddy.
and in need of a bouncy ball...
or a hundred.

until next week when the next semester starts again..
and the stress settles in.

(you have to press play and then move the curser forward a little.. give me a break, its my first time..)

zach said you guys might not like it as much as i do because that song is also on our wedding vid, so i am "subconsciously drawn to it" i think were the words he used.

but i think you will.

there is a longer version on youtube if you are interested.. i like that one better.. i just didnt want to lose you, my readers:)

(also, you should watch it in full screen)

and sony you sold me, i'll take two.


  1. I finally watched this. Very cool. I love a good television picture, so, go Sony.

  2. I knew if I left it up long enough someone was bound to watch it:)

  3. i watched it too and loved it. you need to update your blog i haven't been able to stalk you for a very long time.

  4. update your blog! We miss hearing from you
