Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bye comms 321. You wont be missed.

Oh hey. As you may know, me and my husb are each others publicists: please click here to watch this commercial he made. Its thirty seconds long and thirty seconds great. But i am also a publicist for the tennis team... so go here...

These Guys deserved the front page.
Im serious I love my little tennis team. They're awesome.

And in case your wondering, I went from here:

To here:

To here:

So, I think I can do anything.
I really kind of do.

And, just so you know, I have a cute husband.
Who texted everyone (and I mean everyone) in his phone this:

"My little liz worked hard and got her story on the front page of the school paper. I want her to feel special so text her and congratulate her."

Including his friends ex-girlfriends, second uncles once removed, and Obama.
And my face turned bright red every time I received a text.
(I finally had a friend send me the text he sent because he denied it every time, implying that his cousins wife's brother reads BYU's school paper. Oh Zachy).

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