because we love cali.. as you may already know..
even if it means trading off sleeping on the rock hard couch with kelsey and alex;)
and although the beach was cold (cold by my standards is 72 degrees), we had so much fun being with the fam and being in one of the best cities ever.
and buying rosie posie lip stain from Fred Segal.
my new favorite item.
maybe because its from fred segal, maybe not.
Ruby girl... she is getting so fun, she just looks at you and smiles with those big blues and rosy cheeks.
we loved sweet ruby.
and here is my romper.
which i love.
no matter what you say.
my brother-in-law thought it made me look like i was 12.
and it kind of does.
but... i still like it.
is that a cookie the size of a pizza with ice cream on top???
yes, yes it is.
and i am almost positive i could have eaten the whole entire thing by myself.
best. desert. ever.
i take that back.. already.
we ate at pinkberry later on this trip and I got pomegranate frozen yogurt.. and that might have been the better.
I cant decide...
There are few guys as great as rob.
im serious.
the other day we were over at the helms and they were apparently out of hot water, and pam was taking a bath, so rob was warming up water on the stove for his little wife so she could have a warm bath.
i love those two.
oh hi ruby's diner/ shake shack on the beach.
you are so yummy
and you have the best diet coke's ever
and although we paid almost 3 dollars for it, it was money well spent.
mainly because we got about 7 refills..
sweet ira and cute beck
zach and alex were telling beck stories in the car to keep him entertained.
after awhile of these stories we hear alex say, "what else? i just told you the whole lord of the rings trilogy beck!"
beck never wanted their stories to end, so he would ask "what else?" as each story came to an end.
even if they were as long and boring as the lord of the rings;) he wanted more.
i love that face.
ira was hilarious as usual.
zach was wrestling with the boys one night and beck fell off the bed while they were playing and ira gets his mad face on and says, "don't you do that to beckham, zachy!"
he takes care of his brother.
when we got home from our day in Santa Monica, ira was worn out.
he is the sweetest baby and i hope he stays cuddly and sweet forever.
he loves when you tickle is back and says "tittle my back," when he's tired.
That night he fell asleep to me holding him and tittling his back.
he's my baby.
well, he's not really, but i want him to be.
so good.
as you can maybe tell.
dont ask me what we are doing.
pam got stuck hanging out with me and zach one day instead of going on a bike ride.
but we had fun sitting on the corner eating manhattan clam chowder and bread and the best maple bar donut EVER and watching an ambulance come check on this homeless guy sitting by us.
pam is one of the few people who thinks i am funny. i like it. and i think she is funny, too.
My camera got dropped in the hot tub.
it was a sad day.
it has been revived, but we got a few good pics messed up in the process.
and alex told me the story of his camera when he dropped it in water...
"i blow dried it and it worked perfectly for about two weeks, and then it turned off and was done for good."
very encouraging, thanks alex
lets hope for the best.
i love my little camera, we've been friends and it has been a trooper for a long time now.
i have faith that it wont die on me now.
i hope he never grows out of this.
im sad this pic got kind of ruined.. but i still love it.
and i love that ira loves wearing hats.
the fam. actually i dont know where ira is, or dave, but here is everyone else.
i love these people.
i love and appreciate them all for very different and some may think weird reasons, but i really do.
every last one of them.
Thanks for posting my version of "I want a hamburger."
ReplyDeleteLooks like fun! It was great seeing ou guys last night, we need to get together more often!
ReplyDeleteum.. this is my favorite post ever.. and I am confident in saying this was the best New Port trip ever. Maybe because Jon and I hugged, or maybe because we were cold together a lot, or possibly the diet coke.