Saturday, October 24, 2009

A word or two from Zach

Well, I finally decided to write on this blog. Im going to write on what I have learned about liz's sweet spirit since we tied the knot. First thing is, her robe. This robe you will find over liz's clothes anytime she is at home. For some reason she comes home, makes sure the cookie jar is filled with oreo's(which she buys in bulk but never eats), and puts her robe on and watches "What I like about you." It's ok with me, I like the robe's fabric. It's soft. Also, at the hours of 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm Liz is an axe murderer, or at least I believe she is capable of such acts. Yes these hours are right before lunch and dinner, and at 12:15 and 6:15 she is an angel. It's a true axe murderer to angel transformation. Yep those things as well as these: HOUSE, making me put toilet seat up, sitting indian style staring at apartment decorations for hours, wanting to watch a movie really bad and then start cleaning in the middle of it, talking during movies at theatre, won't let me sleep with the sheets untucked, being grossed out by the way food looks, but for some reason likes nasty looking homemade bean and cheese burritos. But she is the cutest girl in the world and for those reasons i love her. p.s. if you see us on the street and we ignore you its not because we don't love you, it's just that were too busy with work and school to say hello. Check out the promo for my next fight, call me for tickets

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the friday blog inspiration. My readers will love this.
