Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grandma Jewel and Grandpa Larry

My aunt Ann Dee wrote a post on my grandma jewel today. It made me sad, but also helped me remember my grandma. How she was before she got sick.

My whole life I've looked up to my grandma and hoped to be as strong, spunky, confident, loving and knowledgeable about the little things in life as she always has been.
She had about 30 grandkids, but always made time to make sure we each knew she loved us.
Like the time I told her I wanted to be Marta in the play The Sound of Music, so we sat at the piano while she played The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow while I sang for hours.
Because she said that if I could get that one down good for the tryouts, they would know i could sing anything good.
Or the time my parents went out of town and she would not let me take one step outside the door without my coat on (even at age seven I didn't want to wear a coat if it was going to ruin my outfit).
Or like the time she told me in about junior high that I needed to make friends with the smart boys because they are going to be the ones who will help me get good grades.... And, they will be the rich ones (she married a physicist).

Alzheimer's is a hard, hard disease.
But I don't think there is a greater love than these two have for each other.
She's taken care of him and now he is graciously taking care of his sweet, little lady.
Happy V Day.

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