Tuesday, January 4, 2011


i have had a pit in my stomach all day.
call me dramatic, call me a baby, but get back to me when it's your last semester of school ever.
if i had any friends in my program (so... like 2) they graduated in December.
and i'll be completely honest.
i'm completely jealous.
april can't come soon enough.

guys, i know, i'll live... i just had to get that out.

fortunately we got a little breather between semesters.
by little breather i mean a cruise to mexico.
and it was fabulous.
thanks to the lovely pamela and rob, we needed that.

Scooter love.

taco stand love.

greg love (we all saw the way you looked at him jon...)

there was one (maybe 30) thing(s) i loved in each country, and hey, i wouldn't mind if we packed greg (our new friend from chicago who showed us a fabulous secret(?) beach) in our suitcases. would you zach? i think not.

Now.... back to the grind.
Did i already have christmas? since mexico didn't feel like christmas, i think im allowed to keep my tree up for a couple more weeks, right...?

My husband refused to take food out of his mouth even for a picture. a cruise will do that to you, you know.

if i were to guess, alex just did something creepy. that never happens though.


  1. Greg was a great guy for a short loner. Did you see the office last night? Exactly. Truth be told I really did like Greg despite the four married women (including my wife) throwing themselves at him.

  2. Modern Family...not the office.

  3. Of course I saw modern family. lol and he did look like greg!
