Corinne and Jenessa (who also shared an engagement post.. sorry) shared a wedding day.
Which worked out fabulous because I got to be there for both of them when they came out of the temple (my favorite time to be there.. and see them so so happy).
My friend Nick Binks got married on Saturday.
Nick is one of my best friends from high school, he would say he is my other older brother (I acquired a lot of older brothers). He got married to a darling girl, who, unfortunately for her, went to Woods Cross.
But we will still like her.
Im obsessed with this picture.
Ive never seen my crazy corinne so genuinely happy.
she's like a new person lately.
(i might have fbook stalked them. whatever).
How could you not love these 2.
They are so in love and have been for years.
And i love both of them.
but I just love the way he looks at her.
they are very pretty.
does she look identical to my sister-in-law kelsey?
or am i going crazy.
lizzy you always say i look like pretty girls that I dont look like. bless your heart. ps you and your friends are beautiful.