those 2 weeks off were quite refreshing.
for awhile there, well really since my newswriting class, I had a hard time talking (or writing) anything (especially good) about my classes.
but now im ready.
mainly because I had a really, really good experience with my writing and production class.
I loved my teacher, loved so many of the guest speakers, loved the non-profit organization I
worked for and loved my classmates... (mainly because they graded me on my final project, and although i made a video and the internet cut out half way through my presentation and I couldnt finish it, the grade they gave me on it averaged out to be an A... which I wasn't expecting and was so pleasantly surprised about... and now I feel bad I underestimated them.. sorry guys...).
Anyways, I only want to go into one guest speaker...
Her name is Aubrey and she works for the Children's Miracle Network
and I think I want to be her.
She is the communications director for them and has her hand in all of it.
And the fact that the organization she is working for is helping to save kids lives doesn't hurt either;)
She told us about a program they called Champions, where they have 2 kids from each state all meet up in Washington DC and they make a special week out of it for the kids.
I'm going to tell you about one of the kids.
Tim (isn't his real name, but I cant remember it.. And I like the name Tim..) is 13 years old and was the pitcher of his all-stars team. On the morning of his championship game (which is a BIG
deal for that age) Tim had a stomach ache. His mother told him it was called butterflies and it'll feel better once the game starts, but Tim wasn't so sure. They decided to run to the Instacare before the game started and were immediately rushed to the emergency room to have surgery on the tumor in his stomach.
And they started chemo that afternoon.
Tim was invited to the Champions week, and his mom, dad and little brother came along, too.
The whole trip Tim and his brother were fighting and Tim was acting like a 13 year old boy, a little too cool for everything.The night the champions went to the Nationals baseball game, Tim was invited to go onto the field and throw the first pitch and meet strausberg, which is a really big deal. He was also able to bring one person with him to go onto the field.
And, of course, he brought his best friend, his little brother.
And neither of them could wipe a smile off their face the rest of the night.
I don't know why exactly, but this little story hit home for me.
Maybe its because I saw my little brothers... Under MUCH less dramatic circumstances, but baseball was life for a long time for them, and not being able to play in your championship game would break your heart... Although that is the least of their problems.
And, it doesn't matter how annoying they are, you would choose them over anyone, every time.
I see this in zach and Alex, too.
And my little allsop boys.
high school happens to all of us I guess.

they are little boys, too.
And don't tell zach, but one day I'll have my 5 boys, too:)
So... I'm all over the place in this post.
To sum up:
1. I like my communications classes (please remind me of this when I start breaking down in a few weeks)
2. One day I'll be done with school and have a real life... One day
3. I started crying in class probably 4 different times when Aubrey was speaking.. I wish I could tell you more of "the champions" stories. so sweet.
4. I want boys, not girls, and not for 5 years... But I do know I want boys, I always have.
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